Pustakasthaa tu ya vidya parahasta gatam dhanam |
Karyakaale samutpanne na sa vidya na tat dhanam ||
The knowledge that is there only in the book (the knowledge which has not been acquired) and the earned money given away to someone will never be useful when they are required. Because both are out of reach.
The poet talks about the timely application of knowledge and availability of money in this subhaashita. Though a person has a book about a particular subject he needs to know the subject to apply it practically.
He should be conversant with the subject at least to refer the book, say for a discussion or lecture. For example a lawyer may not know to which section of some particular act or law the present case comes but he should at least know under which law or act it comes.
About money, it’s always better to have it with one’s self. Money that has been given away may not be available when it’s needed the most. Also, it’s better for one to have liquidity for certain amount of money. Though he might have huge savings it may not be useful as it does not have liquidity.