
Monday, March 27, 2006


Kaaka aahvyate kaakan
yachako na tu yaachakaan
Kaaka yaachakyormadhye
varam kaako na yaachakaha

A crow calls other crows but a beggar does not call other beggars (whenever they find food).
So, a crow is much better compared to a beggar.

This explains the way the animals/birds share food. They are not greedy like man.
Especially, in matters of money and land humans are greedy to the core and are never satisfied with what they have. Whenever there is distribution of food/food packets after a natural calamity a stampede is bound to happen. This strikingly exemplifies the above subhaashita.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

A friend and the foe

Aalasyam hi manushyaanam
sharirastho mahaan ripuhu
Naasti udyama samo bandhuhu
kurvaano na avasidati

Lethargy is the greatest enemy that resides in the human body.
There is no relative equal to work. One who works does not encounter problems.

Lethargy makes man complacent and then he may not feel the need for improvement any more.
Once complacency sets in, he becomes egoistic. That’s why it’s considered as the enemy.
One who works, keeps him active, feels the need for improvement. It does not necessarily mean a job which pays. People may work just for their interest in something, as a service to the community or the oppressed etc. Many people work on an honorary basis in NGOs, educational institutions, old age homes etc. They find solace in their work and hence enjoy it in spite of their problems. Hence it is referred to as the relative. May be it would be better to put it as friend.

Friday, March 17, 2006


Pustakasthaa tu ya vidya parahasta gatam dhanam |
Karyakaale samutpanne na sa vidya na tat dhanam ||

The knowledge that is there only in the book (the knowledge which has not been acquired) and the earned money given away to someone will never be useful when they are required. Because both are out of reach.

The poet talks about the timely application of knowledge and availability of money in this subhaashita. Though a person has a book about a particular subject he needs to know the subject to apply it practically.

He should be conversant with the subject at least to refer the book, say for a discussion or lecture. For example a lawyer may not know to which section of some particular act or law the present case comes but he should at least know under which law or act it comes.

About money, it’s always better to have it with one’s self. Money that has been given away may not be available when it’s needed the most. Also, it’s better for one to have liquidity for certain amount of money. Though he might have huge savings it may not be useful as it does not have liquidity.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Priyavaakya pradaanena sarve tushyanti jantavaha |
Tasmaat tadeva vaktavyam vachane ka daridrata ||

All the living beings on earth feel happy when they are spoken to in a pleasing manner.
So, let people speak to others pleasingly as there is no dearth of good words.

This subhaashita speaks about the approach one should have while speaking to people in general. This is very relevant in today’s world especially when dealing with customers. In the beginning of the conversation, this is quite critical as he/she needs to gain the listener’s confidence. And then things will fall into place. Even some critics give their criticisms in a pleasing way though it’s a criticism!!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Pathato naasti murkhatvam

Pathato naasti murkhatvam japato naasti paatakam |
Mauninaha kalaho naasti na bhayam cha asti jaagrtaha ||

One who studies will not have foolishness. One who meditates will not react sinfully.
One who is silent will not get into quarrel. One who is alert will not have fear.

This subhaashita speaks about general negative aspects and how one can get rid of them.
A person who studies, gains knowledge will grow inquisitive and so cannot be foolish. So, education is very important. A person who meditates, prays will be quite conscious about his deeds and abstains from committing sins. One who is silent and speaks judiciously will not get into tussles. One who is alert and has faith in himself need not fear anything or anyone.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Satsanga(Company of good people)

Jaadyam dhiyo harati sinchati vaachi satyam
Maanonnatim dishati paapam apaakaroti
Chetaha prasadayati dikshu tanoti keertim
Satsangatihi kathaya kim na karoti pumsaam

The company of good people takes away lethargy. It establishes truth in their speech. It enhances respect and wards off sins. It calms one’s mind. It pervades joy in all the directions. The company of virtuous people helps achieve everything.

The good people, the virtuous, it’s said transform the lesser mortals. It’s not just because what they are but what you are when you are with them. The zeal, the right attitude and truthful nature of the virtuous should be imbibed. They inspire and guide. Blessed are those who are in the company of such people. That is why the company of good people has been compared to amruta.

Friday, March 03, 2006


Sarpaaha pibanti pavanam na cha durbalaaste
Shushkaihi trunaihi vana gajaa balino bhavanti

Kandaihi phalaihi munivaraaha kshapayanti kaalam
Santosha eva purushasya param nidhaanam

Though the snakes live by consuming air, they are not weak.
The wild elephants spend time eating dry grass and will be strong.
The ascetics live by eating roots and fruits. Satisfaction is a man’s greatest wealth.

Here the poet is emphasizing that satisfaction is the greatest wealth. We can learn from nature that animals consume whatever that is available to them and they exercise a limit in what they consume. They do not overeat and are not gluttons. But humans are. There are many who “live to eat and not eat to live”. In a broader perspective people are never satisfied with what they have. They are always on the look out for better things. And the energy, the enthusiasm is drawn from the search rather the final harvest or goal. So, the search for something new starts again. So what is the solution??

Our goals in life have to be value based and they govern rest of the things in life.