The three states of money
Daanam bhogo naashaha tistro
gatayo bhavanti vittasya |
Yo na dadaati na bhukte
tasya triteeya gatihi bhavati ||
There are three states in which money can occur: they are donation, enjoyment and destruction.
A person who neither donates nor spends it (for his enjoyment) will end up in the third state (death).
Money can feature as an object of one of the three deeds. The first among them and the noblest of them is charity. It could be in cash or kind, provided it is for some good cause.
The second is for fulfillment of basic needs of a person, for gratification of his desires. The third and the last one is simply wasting it, may be for useless things. With the economy booming, today people are getting attractive 5 digit salaries and do not know the value of money. So, most of them waste it. Consequently, they do not know the value of things, food for example. It’s needless to mention where they waste it.
They feel a pinch of it when they are short of money. And eventually, realize that there are many who do not even get their basic necessities met.
Probably then, they understand the value of money .
I feel this is true not just for the material possessions, but even in case of our talents/abilities! Much like Lamarck's idea of evolution, the one's that we dont' use/ignore, we are bound to lose it in time! what say?
Right Praveen.
Dont you think, there's a message inside.
Probably a guideline/direction to spend money!
Do charity, if not atleast spend it for yourself...if you dont do that, you now know what's gonna happen!
shAshi Congrats kano...on Getting thro Sing Univ...good luck with it..
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