
Saturday, April 15, 2006


Praarabhyate na khalu vighna bhayena neechaihi
Praarabhya vighna vihata
viramanti madhyaaha |
Vighnaihi punaha punarapi pratihanyamaanaha
Praarabdham uttama jana na parityajanti

People of the lowest category never start anything for the fear of failure.
The mediocre people start off and discontinue when they encounter problems.
Noble people do not give up. They keep trying in spite of the problems they encounter.
They never give up.

As Swami Vivekananda says “Arise! Awake! Stop not till the goal is reached”, this is the gist of this subhaashita. Setting goals in life is a very important thing. The next step is to achieve it and to work towards it. Goals are of different kinds and are different for different people. Problems are sure to crop up on the way. Problems are like potholes on the way to our destination. At the most they can slow down the journey. Sometimes they may force us to take a deviation also. They evaluate our preparation to achieve the goal and may give cues to reach the destination.
Taking them positively is the key.


Blogger Praveen said...

Obstacles are what you see, when you take your eyes off your goal - I read this somewhere. And today, when the need for something like this, was very dire, I came across what you have written.
It has provided me solace. Keep up the good work.

4/17/2006 7:24 PM  
Blogger Shashikiran.M said...

Thanks a lot -:).

4/18/2006 7:39 PM  
Blogger Kishan said...

yeah! its reallly good! hope I take some gyan from it and aplly it to my life!

4/23/2006 10:56 PM  
Blogger Ravi Mukkavilli said...

I remember reading Subhashita in my 5th grade, I never felt its importance till some months back. It is very to come across your blog.

I remember a the story parallel to the Subhaashita. The episode of Shri Hanuman leaping to Lanka in search of Mother Sita. Before he makes a jump he says "I am going like a arrow of Sri Ram" we can interpret this statement in different ways. He means "I will not fail, as arrow shot by Sri Rama never fails and hits its target" another meaning "I am just an doota of Sri Rama, and there is nothing special about me, as it will only be the greatness of the shooter not the arrow when the arrow hits the target". We can see the modesty of Shri Hanuman.
After he jumps to Lanka, He encounters 3 challenges on different planes. The first challenge on his way to lanka was when a mountain proclaims that it owed his father a debt and asks him to rest but he thanks him and moves on, which represents his restlessness and determination to reach the target(rest not till the goal is reached). Next he encounters a sea-monster who challenges him to enter her mouth, where he shows his intelligence. Next he kills the Chaya grhani rakshsi where he displays his power to remove all obstetrical between him and his target.

What we can learn here is the 5 qualities he has showed us to follow
1: belief in GOD
2: Modesty
3: Restless ness
4: Intellegence
5: Determination

Even after reaching Lanka, he not only finds Mother Sita but also wanders around Lanka to estimate the power of Ravana and also gives him a warning by killing many of his warriors and burning Lanka. His job was just to find Mother Sita. But here he does more even if not told by Sri Ram. So doing more then expected is another thing he is teaching us.

I hope I have not bored you guys. Thank you for reading through.

1/04/2008 7:03 AM  
Blogger techrsr said...


I adore this blog. I wish you would continue to post. I have many subhashitaas to share, but many I remember are the ones on this blog.

I implore you to post more often. The last post was in May '06.

1/17/2008 6:36 AM  

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