
Monday, February 27, 2006


Pibanti nadyaha svayameva naambhaha
Svayam na khaadanti phalaani vrukshaaha

Naadanti sasyam khalu vaarivaahaha
Paropakaaraya sataam vibhutayaha

The rivers do not drink the water themselves. The trees never eat the fruits (though borne by them).The clouds do not eat the crops (that they water). The wealth of the virtuous is for the benefit of others.

This subhaashita speaks about helping others. The poet here emphasizes that the cherished possession or the wealth of certain entities in nature are never for their benefit but for others.

Similarly the good, the virtuous will utilize their wealth for the benefit of others.
This does not necessarily mean about finances but could be any of their other abilities or strengths. For example there are people who lend their books to the poor and underprivileged students, guide them etc. Some people like Medha Patkar, fight for selfless causes like protection of environment etc. People like Mother Teresa who work for the orphaned, the spastics, the mentally challenged etc.

Helping others is a noble deed. One does not lose anything in the process.It’s said that we have to help or give someone who cannot repay us back. The apt example could be donating blood in a blood donation camp. Definitely the donor will not know to whom it goes. Another example could be helping victim(s) of a natural calamity in any way we can.

Also, it is said that one should not expect anything in return for the help. But,it definitely comes back but how and when, it is left to God. Even if it does not, the joy in the eyes of the recipient should suffice.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Money as a motivator

Utsaahasampannam Adheerghasutram
Kriyavadhighnam Vysaneshu Asaktam
Shuram Krutagnam Drudhasauhradham cha
Lakshmeehi svayam Yaati nivaasahetoho

It is said that Goddess Lakshmi comes by Herself to a person with the following qualities.
A person who is enthusiastic, who does not procrastinate and is systematic in approach. Also he should not be interested in any vices. He should be brave, friendly and grateful to those who have helped him.

The poet specifies the good qualities one has to have keeping money as the motivator. In general these are the qualities that are required for one to be successful. Enthusiasm, time-sense, gratitude, strength. etc. Above all he adds one more thing that people should not involve themselves in vices i.e. gambling, drinking, etc. It is because even if a person has all the other qualities that are mentioned they will be diminished by this deed of his. Also from the point of view of money, this can nullify in the sense, wipe out all his earnings.

Saturday, February 18, 2006


Sthaanam utsrujya gachchanti
Simhaaha satpurusha gajaaha

Tatra eva nidhanam yaanti
Kaakaha kapurusha mrugaaha

The lions, elephants and the virtuous people having high self-esteem quit from their positions once their esteem is hurt. But they do not sacrifice their self-esteem. Where as, the crows, cats and the vicious people without self-esteem never quit from their positions and attain death being in the same positions. They don’t safeguard their esteem.

This subhaashita is about self-esteem. Unless a person has a high self-esteem, he cannot be self confident. Both go hand in hand. The poet says that the virtuous people have high self-esteem and on no occasion will sacrifice it, even if it means quitting from their positions.

I think this is a quality of able administrators. It’s very hard to find such people today, especially in the administrative circles.

There is no dearth of the second category. Our politicians are the best example.

Also the bureaucrats by default fall into this category. No matter what inquiry is going on against them they never quit. In fact even if suspended they come back with greater vigour!!!.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Yasyaasti vittam sa naraha Kuleenaha
Sa Panditaha Sa shrutavaan Gunagnaha

Sa eva vaktaa sa cha Darshneeyaha
Sarve Gunaaha kanchanam asshrayanti

A person who has money is regarded to be from a very good family.
He is a scholar, one who has mastered the vedas. He is virtuous. He is an orator and is handsome. Thus, all good qualities take refuge in money.

This is a subhaashita about money and the way world treats the rich.
They are bestowed with all the good qualities on earth. They are regarded as scholars, the learned, virtuous, handsome and what not.

Some of them are given doctorates and titles whether they deserve it or not. But history has taught us that nothing lasts forever. No, not even name or fame.

The moment a rich man loses his wealth and becomes bankrupt, he’s no more an icon.
Then his character takes over if at all he has a good one. Only then the world can continue to respect him.

Money is definitely a necessity. It’s a prerequisite to meet the basic necessities of a human being.
But it is not everything. The best and most valuable things cannot be bought with money.

Monday, February 13, 2006

The Growth

Laalayet pancha varshaani
Dasha varshaani taadayet

Praapte tu Shodashevarshe
Putram Mitravadaacharet

A child should be pampered till its five years old.
Then for the next ten years the parents should subdue the child.

From the sixteenth year the child should be treated as a friend.
This subhaashita speaks about bringing up a child.

The poet clearly tells us about the different phases of growth and the way parents should handle the child. Initially, for first five years during the tenderest part of it the child has to be pampered.

From the fifth year onwards, the child starts learning, discovering things in the world. It starts growing inquisitive. It should be repressed from this point or else at a point of time in future it may lose the sense to judge right and wrong.Also giving moral education to the child during this period is very important.
It is during this period (may be till 16/18 years) the attitude and character of the child gets moulded.

From the sixteenth year onwards the parents should treat the child as a friend. From this age the person starts developing his thinking and opinions. It’s very likely that he/she may not follow the things imposed. So suggestions and friendly advice would work.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Paropi hitavaan Bandhuhu
Bandhuhu Api Ahitaha Paraha

Ahito Dehajo vyadihi
Hitamaaranyam Aushadham

Though an enemy, if he wishes good he is as good as a relative.
Though a relative if he wishes bad he is as good as an enemy.
Though it’s born and then resides in the body the disease is harmful.
Though its there in the forest, the medicinal plants save lives.

The gist is that it does not matter whether the entity is inside or outside. But its nature matters the most.

Friday, February 10, 2006

The Gurukula System

Yathaa Khanan Khanitrena
Naro Varyadhigachchati

Evam Gurugataa Vidyaam
Shushrooshuhu Adhigachchati

A man gets water (accumulated in the ground) by digging the earth with a spade.
Similarly knowledge in the Guru can be attained by serving the Guru.

This applies to the Gurukula system that existed centuries ago.The student had to serve the Guru staying at the Guru's place for years.The Guru would impart all the knowledge that he had.Not like some Profs of today who finally put their names on their students' patents/papers.
Also, today, education has become very expensive. Only people who can afford it can have it!!.

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Ekaha Aham Ashayaha Aham
Krushaha Aham Aparichchadaha

Svapnehe api evam vidhaa chintaa
Mrugendrasya Na Jaayate

“I am alone and helpless. I am weak and destitute”.—Even in its dreams the lion does not think like this.

Here the poet draws our attention to lion. In this subhaashita he is conveying the message that people have to be strong. They might be alone and/or homeless but should never lose faith and hope.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Naasti Vidya samam Chakshuhu naasti Satyasamam Tapaha |
Naasti Raagasamam Dukham naasti Tyaagasamam Sukham ||

There's no eye equal to knowldege/education.There's no rite or penance equal to Truth.
There's no misery equal to sensual pleasure.There's no happiness equal to Sacrifice.

Here the poet gives lot of importance to education,being truthful and donating or sacrificing.
Knowledge or education should guide people and so it's compared to eye.Being truthful always,
in this age is definitely a penance.Sensual pleasure is momentary and ultimately leads to misery.The happiness that one gains in giving (without expecting anything in return) is of the highest kind.

Kshanashaha kanshashchaiva Vidyaam Artham Cha Saadhayet |
Kshana Tyaage kuto Vidya Kana Tyaage Kuto Dhanam ||

Knowledge has to be gained every second.Wealth has to be accumulated pai by pai.
How can one gain knowledge by whiling away time.How can one accumulate wealth by wasting money.

Here the poet stresses the importance of time and money.He says that time is important for gaining knowledge.
Wealth has to be accumulated by spending money judiciously.

Monday, February 06, 2006

A subhashita about subhashita

Samsaara vishavrukshasya dve phale hyamrutopame|
Subhaashitarasasvaadaha sangatihi sujanaihi saha||

From the moment I started studying Samskruta, especially Subhashitas, I have loved them.
They are the best and tell you about everything on earth and are true forever.
I think they should be our guiding light.

Let me begin with a subhashita which speaks about its greatness.
This subhashita tells us about the nature of the world in general.
In this world which is like a poisonous tree, has two fruits as sweet as amruta.
They are the experience of good sayings and the company of good or noble people.